
March 16, 2012

Happy Six Months Baby Blog & Award

Hello Lovelies

You know what Today is??? Today MY SWEET BLOG IS SIX MONTHS 'NeW' .. Oh yes.. IT is New ;)

16th September, 2011-> I started My Journey
16th March, 2012 ------> Today

Here is another Birthday Cake for you, My Love

I want to thank each and every one of you for making me reach this height!! I really Love and Adore you guys from the Core of My heart!!

Thanks to Engineering, My Blog is the Only Thing I'm passionate about, at this time!(Pun intended)
And, I love it very much :)

Love you everyone.. Thank you for your support and inspiration.. I feel like posting every now and then to get motivated and share my thoughts :)
This is a collection of my past 42 (approx,  I couldn't fit all of them) posts..
Enjoyyy :) And feel free to go through the list of my posts at the bottom or the right side of the page! <3

So, remember, I told you about my CONTEST which would start as soon as I reach 250, both on my Facebook page and here?

Surprise for you--> Since I have two contests.. I will start with one if I reach 250 anywhere.. :D:D:D

Current Status:
Facebook Members: 217
Blog followers: 241

You know what to do.. Share and Spread the word. And help my BABY grow!!!!!!


Now, next thing up!
I have received two awards from my stylish followers.. I will share one of them today and the other one in the following posts :)

I have received a Fabulous Award, Liebster Blog Award, by the very classy Shalini from Stylish By Nature..Thanks a bunch sweetheart!! I'm really honored to have received this award from you <3

Now, I was always curious to know the meaning of the word 'Liebster' so I googled.. It says.. 'Favorite' or 'Beloved' ..Awwwwww :D

Now the RULES: :)

1) Link back to the person who so graciously bestowed the award. 

2) Nominate 5 others to receive this prestigious Award:

I will go a little further and extend this award to the very kindhearted LaTasha from D-Xired Diamond: One Precious Stone ~ She is a Beautiful Blogger and I forgot to add her name.. Sorry :D

3) Lastly, Post the Award to your Blog and Spread the Love :)

Thank you so much everyone for your ever so generous and warmth love for my Blog and me :)

Please Share the word till 250 and more :)

Meanwhile, check out the latest coupons from ROMWE for April fool's Day :D

1.Coupon code:RomweAprilFools15
$15 off Coupon on Purchase over $60 at and only be used once per customer! Free shipping! Start date: 03/15/2012 end date: 04/01/2012.

2.Coupon code:RomweAprilFools25
$25 off Coupon on Purchase over $90 at and only be used once per customer! Free shipping! Start date: 03/15/2012 end date: 04/01/2012.

3.Coupon code:RomweAprilFools35
$35 off Coupon on Purchase over $120 at and only be used once per customer! Free shipping! Start date: 03/15/2012 end date: 04/01/2012.

Until then
Love You.. And now is the time to wish my Blog :D:D



  1. Happy six-month, girly!
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  2. Happy 6months! ^_^. And wish you all the best for the future ahead! ^_^.

  3. happy half to your baby..:D

  4. oh these words... so lovely. congrats to half a year!
    i like your blog very much! <3
    and THANKS so much for the award- i really appreciate it!
    kisses kisses kisses to you!

    maren anita

    Please have a look at my GIVEAWAY:

    YSL lipstick & Nelly leather bracelet

    ps: which sunnies would you buy?! (blogpost)

  5. Happy 6-month! Congrats and I wish you a beautiful future ahead!
    I was wondering if I could advertise on your blog? In return, you can advertise on my blog?


    Love from, THE EASTERN PEARL

  6. Happy six-month and congrats for your award!!!
    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  7. Happy birthday to your lovely blog!!!
    Thanks so much for the award!!!!

  8. First time on your blog.
    Happy six months and congrats on your award. Such a cute cake.

  9. I love the cake!! :D You know we will DEFINITELY MEET!!! :) And you'll have to give me a treat!! ;) After all it's not everyday that one's blog turns six months NEW!! :D I am excited for the contests! I hope you reach 250 as soon as possible!! :) Thank you SO much for the award!! An i will definitely follow your advice! ;) You have many more such celebrations waiting for you! :) I am glad to be a part of your wonderful blog and life! :)


  10. Happy 6 Month Birthday to Fictitious Fashion! Well Done on building up such a beautiful, fun and insightful blog, you have come so far with much grace and success! I think my favourite from all your posts were the Wedding series and all your outfit posts. Wishing you everything of the best for the future of this great blog. P.S Thanks a million for nominating me, you are always most thoughtful & sweet...Its so good to have you back!

  11. Akanksha! Happy 6 months to your beautiful blog hun! That's amazing! You are such a lovely, kind, and sweet person! Just wonderful love, I mean it! I wish you all the best love! Congrats one six months hun! LOVE the cake! :) I will miss you greatly while I'm gone but I do love you very much babe! :)


  12. Awww congrats on your blog milestone! :)

    That is one very adorable birthday cake.

    The Cat Hag

  13. Happy 6 month b'day to your blog! May you celebrate many many more! Hope you are having a wonderful day!
    Style-Delights Blog
    Let's Twitter Together
    Friend and Fan on Facebook

  14. Congratulations! Love the pictures! I got a giveaway at my blog and would love you to enter! <3<3

  15. Happy Blogiversary!!! To many more to come.

  16. ohhh congrats honey :D love that cake.. :P


  17. wow, congrats on that award!

  18. Thank you so much for your comment!
    Would you like following each other on GFC?
    Let me know would love to follow you back
    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  19. CONGRATS!!!
    Love your blog! I'm now following you and I hope you can follow me back. :)
    Have a fabulous day!

    xo Vivian
    Flightgirl Fashion

  20. Congratulations on the award!!! And that cake is real deliciously gorgeous!! :)

  21. wow! i love the snoopy cake!!!! yum! i wish we have a cake like that here in our country.

    congrats my dear! more power to your blog!

  22. Happy Anniversary to your bloggie doll and congrats on the blog award.

    <3 Marina


Thank you for commenting. I really appreciate it, Akanksha :)
Let me know if you follow me on any of the pages or my blog. I'd love to follow you back there too :)