December 9, 2016

I'm my own Gold

Hello people

How many times have you dropped down low, gotten up; only to be disappointed again? Many a times it so happens that we digest our pain either by enjoying it or accepting that it is a part of life and when we do so, we hope for so much more than we were hoping before but fail to realize that we need double the energy now lest we fail again. Each time you try the same thing, do so with more efforts and more positivity. We fail to realize the impact, positive thoughts have on our daily lives. Take for e.g. showering. You enter into the shower, put soap then rise, dry yourself and come out. This is a normal routine for most of us. On another note- imagine that you get up with a smile and remind yourself to give your best today no matter what. Now with these happy thoughts, you enter into the shower and do everything mentioned above. The only difference being, you are either singing, dancing or smiling or doing everything at once. Do not tell me this never happens! Try it, you will be surprised as to how your day changes :)

So when this little cutie came to me, I was just extremely happy to be having something Gold that I do not have to wear it on my wrist/neck/ears. I'm not very fond of Gold: more-so, golden! Zaful has just what makes me happy. I'm so happy with their products and service that it's almost an addiction to check their website time and again. For now, you should go and check them out.



Satchel Bag: Zaful, Top: Self, Overalls: Fashionmia, Wedges: Banggood



  1. Cool bag! I like the look!

  2. Totally love the bag pack
    Keep in touch

  3. Dropping weight before you start bodybuilding is redundant and a waste of time. As you go through your bodybuilding application you will be capable to watch your muscle mass increase as your body improves and weight loss come to be a herbal a part of your ordinary.

  4. Such a nice bag.loved your look.

  5. Oh, so true. There are times when you're tempted not to get up anymore because you're too afraid to get hurt again. But get up we must.

    Stay golden!

    Oh, this bag is gorgeous.

  6. Positive thinking is so important. t can change your whole day.
    I love you bag, so pretty. Your outfit is really nice too :)
    Sauniya | Find Your Bliss ♡

  7. I love Zaful! I also got a leather backpack from there that I have been wearing non-stop.

  8. I have a same bag like yours. I just bought it online yesterday. Hope it will be as beautiful as yours.

  9. Hey keep posting such good and meaningful articles.


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