May 25, 2012

Take A Chill-Pill

Life is unsure; always eat your dessert first- Anonymous

Aleksandra Rybinska

Hey Folks! :)
Time for the Happiness Dose :D If you have missed other two, Read here~ Happiness is a measure of Life and here~ Change is Inevitable

Today, I'll be talking about Three Spheres of Life that can inspire (I hope) you and change your perception as well! <3 .. Wear your thinking caps dearies :)

1. Love Love Love

Since I'm the biggest believer of Love; this had to be on the top!
Though I've spoken a Lot about Love.. (Read here), I will not bore you with what I think of Love :P Remember two things~
  Love is No Science, yet you need Chemistry! 
Love doesn't have any formula, yet you need to make each second count!

I can't teach you how to Love.. Not because I'm no saint.. No! Love is Universal. It is different to each, yet holds the same feeling. It means different to each yet symbolizes the same signs...
Love expresses, love resists. Love feels, love glows!

Just be All Happy and You.. And show love to each one whom you care about.. See the change it brings in you :)

2. Negativity

Yes, you read it right! Negativity is so important to us that we just don't want to leave it ever. We Hold it tightly till it suffocates us!!! 
Let me tell you- the only feeling that is bigger in my life is #1. (above) I don't want negativity to hover over my head! So people.. Take out your cell phone and Do as I say..

Have you taken out your cell phone yet? Cm'mon.. Don't be lazy. Go get it. I promise you it's worth the butt-lift! ;)

Now open your contact list AND Delete the FIVE contacts whom you haven't talked to in 1-2 years.. OR Delete THE FIVE contacts who give you a Pain in your A** ... AND Do that without hesitating when the phone asks you- 'Are you Sure?' Believe me- YOU ARE!

This is just the starting step.. Gradually you'll know what/who is causing problem and you'll kick them out of your life for good :) Life is too SHORT to THINK TWICE!

I did- It's your turn now!

3. YOU

This one's no rocket science! You is You. No one is like you. Don't laugh it's true :P lol okay..

See, if you stop doing whatever you are doing.. and look around you (outside) you'll notice something. You cannot Find A single Person LIKE YOU! There might be similarities cos cm'mon girls ;) - shopping, movies, gossip, fun etc etc.. but Not a single person who talks like you, walks like you, smiles like you, cares like you and most importantly~ Loves Like You! Is there?
If there is, then I'm ready to give a free Blog Gift to both of you :P

My Point. Stop being like someone.. Stop chasing someone who doesn't care about you.. Stop making excuses and compromising on your beliefs.. Stop lowering your self-esteem! 
Instead, Stand up for yourself, Say Bi**h 3 times to people who are jealous of you, smile and let everyone know that you're happy.. Do whatever it takes to make yourself happy :)

Before going, tell me- How many of you are coming to the Biggest Blogger's Meet in India, tomorrow? It's in New Delhi, Saket, MGF Metropolitan mall. I am. I hope to see you guys there :)
Also, I want to tell you that I have started learning FRENCH.. :D Because My exams are over and I'm an Engineer now!!! Yipppeeeeee :)

Now, parting words :D
Recently, while reading a research paper on Euthanasia (in syllabus), I came across a line that opened my eyes!

|| The purpose of life is to be happy and to make others happy if possible, to grow old gracefully and to die with dignity ||

Never thought, a research paper would make me think about life! But it's true.. Right?

So I leave on this note and ask you to follow your heart, leave grudges behind and love yourself :)


All the images are from Google.


  1. what a lovely post ;-)
    and congratulations :-)

  2. this post just eased my mind
    I likes soft yet powerful messages like these once a while!

    Btw, I did receive the prize ages ago and the lazy me is replying to you now!
    so sorry!
    again, btw, I loved the gold neck piece! it came really silver in the giveaway pic(or maybe I am blind) was excited to see the unexpected color!

  3. wow. such a nice post. Loved each of those points!

  4. I love it and exactly what I needed to read to start off my weekend in a good note. Thanks for sharing gorgeous.

    <3 Marina

    WIN A Beautiful Backless Dress – Enter my Giveaway

  5. Great post!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  6. This is such a great motivational post, I love the title too!


  7. Congrats, dear engineer! I loved your post. It is heavy with meaning. infact, I woke up crying today because a very dear friend, insulted me and told me off because I tried to help them. From when does love get translated into hate. The more you try to help people, the more they hate you. I sat in bed in the morning thinking and analyzing that whenever i have with pure intention tried to help my family or friends, I have only gotten hate in return. I thought really hard and decided for the nth time that THIS IS IT. No more, Mr. nice guy. It's time to pull my socks and not offer help at all. Even when it's asked of me and I have helped without a single thought, I have got back in return bricks. bricks and bats. So your post is a lovely message, I loved the Kurt Cobain quote.i have lots to learn from your insight. thanks alot and please do more posts like this. would love to know your take on things. I wish i could attend the blogger's meet. but i am so far away :) sigh

  8. congrats Akanksha for completing the engineering :) I so wanna learn french :D I wish I was in delhi...I so want to attend it :(
    loved the post totally and came at the right time too :)

  9. wow- dear. this post is gorgeous. love it.
    and the food looks so yummy :) i'm hungry now.
    thanks so much for your nice comment- i really appreciate
    do you like the post with the yellow blouse?
    tomorrow there'll be a giveaway at my blog - stay tuned.
    maren anita

    FASHION-MEETS-ART by Maren Anita

  10. Wow such an inspiring post! Great post! Thanks for sharing such thoughts with us and this certainly make me think about my current life and to seize the time :)

    ecid nac

  11. inspirational!
    just came across ur lovely blog. welcome us as ur new followers :)

    do drop by our blog sometime, follow if u like what u see!
    the blog is a virtual surprise for my bestie, id be glad if u could drop by your wishes!


  12. Beautiful post! Self realization is the essence of living - what works best for you! Hope you are having a wonderful day!
    Style-Delights Blog

  13. Great post and your blog is very nice..

    I'm following you now, follow me?

    Xoxo Flor♥

  14. You are a great person! always positive and full of life! i enjoyed reading this post!!
    Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger

  15. Interesting ideas and style concepts!

  16. Ahaha! I love your quotes!!

    Take care :)

  17. lovely post... ! thnx alot. it was worth reading

  18. Remind yourself that it’s ok not to be perfect— LOVE IT! Great post. Maybe you want to follow each other?

  19. great post!

    DIY and more:

  20. I enjoyed this post sooo much! You've got a very cute, light-hearted and funny style of writing. You talk about serious things in an incredibly engaging way. Lovely!!!
    Would you like to follow each other?

  21. thank you for the meaningful quotes. Just in time when i needed them most. My exams are coming within 3 weeks.

  22. Very nice post! And love ourself is the 1st rule ever!

  23. hiya dear
    I read all of this post and it's very inspiring+lovely
    I have already deleted the people from my facebook list that I dont talk or meet for 5 months :) I loved Kurt Cobain's saying also. I'd love to be in bloggers meeting but I live in Istanbul,Turkey heheh very far away from there :)

  24. im glad that you went through my blog and these quotes are si inspirational... thank you....
    would like to see more style posts from you

  25. Love this post! Very inspiring words! :)

    Stop by sometime, Natalie xo


Thank you for commenting. I really appreciate it, Akanksha :)
Let me know if you follow me on any of the pages or my blog. I'd love to follow you back there too :)